Looking Back: Decorating With Andrew Jackson High


Apr 2022


Crystal Champine, Andrew Jackson Graphics and Technology Instructor, leads her students through a creative process that results in a top award at Deck The Chairs.

Decorating a lifeguard chair can make even the most talented artist just a little nervous. So imagine the hesitation from a small business owner or young art student with limited creative experience, attempting to make a 9 feet tall lifeguard chair shine? Deck The Chairs creative support team has worked with more than 300 chair decorators of all ages and skill sets to help them become accomplished decorators. Our experience with Andrew Jackson High, School of Advanced Technology and their graphic design students is a wonderful example of a successful partnership that eventually showcased young talent to thousands of DTC event visitors.

“The students were super excited to build the time machine. They are usually on computers solving problems and learning but this project allowed them to concept, create and build something real that they could eventually display. They got to make things move and spin. They worked on time concepts and time travel ideas. Tinkering with clocks, machine and engine parts. We loved this opportunity for students to make Andrew Jackson shine.

– Crystal Champine

How Andrew Jackson High School Students Built An Award Winning Time Machine

Deck The Chairs (DTC) creative support team met with students and teachers at Andrew Jackson High School (AJHS) after our Media Partner First Coast News FCN) requested that the school take on the chair decorating responsibilities. With three months to plan and develop DTC and AJHS planned a first session at the school wrapped around brainstorming and idea development.

Deck The Chairs Creative Support Team brainstorms with Andrew Jackson High School students
A small lifeguard chair is brought to the school and time machine reference materials are reviewed
Fun ideas are used to help challenge the students

A Little Help From Family

With any team project there is always a little extra effort applied by one or two individuals. As the Time Machine build efforts moved forward it was necessary that the students were going to need some outside help to achieve their vision. One of the students had a grandfather that loves building and making stuff. His entire house and backyard are essentially a crafts shop. There were specific ideas for the Time Machine to work requiring cutting special plastic shapes and bending metal in ways that required machinery.

Eventually the teacher and her students were joined by two additional generations. A student essentially engaged his entire family to help complete the Time Machine. This additional step in the decorating process is always exciting to witness. As the team grows, the story has a better chance to grow. Watch a video of the Andrew Jackson Time Machine project from start to finish.

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